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Journal Article
E. R. Lundin, Doré, A. G., and Redfield, T. F., Magmatism and extension rates at rifted margins, Petroleum Geoscience, vol. 24, pp. 379–392, 2017.
J. S. Byrnes, Toomey, D. R., Hooft, E. E. E., Nábělek, J., and Braunmiller, J., Mantle dynamics beneath the discrete and diffuse plate boundaries of the Juan de Fuca plate: Results from Casascadia Initiative body wave tomography, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 18, pp. 2906–2929, 2017.
C. Lynner and Bodmer, M., Mantle flow along the eastern North American margin inferred from shear wave splitting, Geology, vol. 45, pp. 867–870, 2017.
R. Martin-Short, Allen, R. M., Bastow, I. D., Totten, E., and Richards, M. A., Mantle flow geometry from ridge to trench beneath the Gorda–Juan de Fuca plate system, Nature Geoscience, vol. 8, pp. 965–968, 2015.
C. J. Wolfe, Solomon, S. C., Laske, G., Collins, J. A., Detrick, R. S., Orcutt, J. A., Bercovici, D., and Hauri, E. H., Mantle P-wave velocity structure beneath the Hawaiian hotspot, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 303, pp. 267–280, 2011.
C. J. Wolfe, Solomon, S. C., Laske, G., Collins, J. A., Detrick, R. S., Orcutt, J. A., Bercovici, D., and Hauri, E. H., Mantle Shear-Wave Velocity Structure Beneath the Hawaiian Hot Spot, Science, vol. 326, pp. 1388–1390, 2009.
B. R. Brunsvik, Eilon, Z. C., and Lynner, C., Mantle Structure and Flow Across the Continent-Ocean Transition of the Eastern North American Margin: Anisotropic S-Wave Tomography, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 22, p. e2021GC010084, 2021.
M. R. Agius, Rychert, C. A., Harmon, N., and Laske, G., Mapping the mantle transition zone beneath Hawaii from Ps receiver functions: Evidence for a hot plume and cold mantle downwellings, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 474, pp. 226–236, 2017.
Y. Ruan, Forsyth, D. W., and Bell, S. W., Marine sediment shear velocity structure from the ratio of displacement to pressure of Rayleigh waves at seafloor, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 119, pp. 6357–6371, 2014.
H. Lim, Kim, Y. H., Song, T. - R. Alex, and Shen, X., Measurement of seismometer orientation using the tangential P-wave receiver function based on harmonic decomposition, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 212, pp. 1747–1765, 2018.
X. Chen and McGuire, J. J., Measuring earthquake source parameters in the Mendocino triple junction region using a dense OBS array: Implications for fault strength variations, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 453, pp. 276–287, 2016.
A. M. Trehu, Measuring slow slip offshore, Science, vol. 352, pp. 654–655, 2016.
D. F. Sumy, Gaherty, J. B., Kim, W. ‐Y., Diehl, T., and Collins, J. A., The Mechanisms of Earthquakes and Faulting in the Southern Gulf of California, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol. 103, pp. 487–506, 2013.
B. Oryan, Olive, J. - A., Jolivet, R., Malatesta, L. C., Gailleton, B., and Bruhat, L., Megathrust locking encoded in subduction landscapes, Science Advances, vol. 10, p. eadl4286, 2024.
A. K. Doran and Laske, G., Melt-affected ocean crust and uppermost mantle near Hawaii—clues from ambient-noise phase velocity and seafloor compliance, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 224, pp. 843–857, 2021.
W. S. D. Wilcock and Hilmo, R. S., A method for tracking blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) with a widely spaced network of ocean bottom seismometers, PLOS ONE, vol. 16, p. e0260273, 2021.
Z. Chen, Gerstoft, P., and Bromirski, P. D., Microseism source direction from noise cross-correlation, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 205, pp. 810–818, 2016.
J. Gong, Fan, W., and Parnell-Turner, R., Microseismicity Indicates Atypical Small-Scale Plate Rotation at the Quebrada Transform Fault System, East Pacific Rise, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, vol. 49, 2022.
F. H. Sutherland, Kent, G. M., Harding, A. J., Umhoefer, P. J., Driscoll, N. W., Lizarralde, D., Fletcher, J. M., Axen, G. J., W. Holbrook, S., González-Fernández, A., and Lonsdale, P., Middle Miocene to early Pliocene oblique extension in the southern Gulf of California, Geosphere, vol. 8, pp. 752–770, 2012.
K. - X. Chen, Forsyth, D. W., and Fischer, K. M., A Mid-Lithospheric Discontinuity Detected Beneath 155 Ma Western Pacific Seafloor Using Sp Receiver Functions, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 51, p. e2024GL108347, 2024.
J. J. McGuire and Collins, J. A., Millimeter-level precision in a seafloor geodesy experiment at the Discovery transform fault, East Pacific Rise, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 14, pp. 4392–4402, 2013.
V. M. Kuna, Nábělek, J. L., and Braunmiller, J., Mode of slip and crust–mantle interaction at oceanic transform faults, Nature Geoscience, vol. 12, pp. 138–142, 2019.
C. Li and Gao, H., Modification of Crust and Mantle Lithosphere Beneath the Southern Part of the Eastern North American Passive Margin, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, p. e2020GL090555, 2021.
J. S. Nakai, Sheehan, A. F., Abercrombie, R. E., and Eberhart-Phillips, D., Near Trench 3D Seismic Attenuation Offshore Northern Hikurangi Subduction Margin, North Island, New Zealand, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 126, p. e2020JB020810, 2021.
D. Soule, Wilcock, W. S. D., Toomey, D. R., Hooft, E. E. E., and Weekly, R. T., Near-axis crustal structure and thickness of the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 43, pp. 5688–5695, 2016.


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