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D. J. Shillington, Gaherty, J. B., Ebinger, C. J., Scholz, C. A., Selway, K., Nyblade, A. A., Bedrosian, P. A., Class, C., Nooner, S. L., Pritchard, M. E., Elliott, J., Chindandali, P. R. N., Mbogoni, G., Ferdinand, R. Wambura, Boniface, N., Manya, S., Kamihanda, G., Saria, E., Mulibo, G., Salima, J., Mruma, A., Kalindekafe, L., Accardo, N. J., Ntambila, D., Kachingwe, M., Mesko, G. T., McCartney, T., Maquay, M., O'Donnell, J. P., Tepp, G., Mtelela, K., Trinhammer, P., Wood, D., Aaron, E., Gibaud, M., Rapa, M., Pfeifer, C., Mphepo, F., Gondwe, D., Arroyo, G., Eddy, C., Kamoga, B., and Moshi, M., Acquisition of a Unique Onshore/Offshore Geophysical and Geochemical Dataset in the Northern Malawi (Nyasa) Rift, Seismological Research Letters, vol. 87, pp. 1406–1416, 2016.
G. Barcheck, Abers, G. A., Adams, A. N., Bécel, A., Collins, J., Gaherty, J. B., Haeussler, P. J., Li, Z., Moore, G., Onyango, E., Roland, E., Sampson, D. E., Schwartz, S. Y., Sheehan, A. F., Shillington, D. J., Shore, P. J., Webb, S., Wiens, D. A., and Worthington, L. L., The Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment, Seismological Research Letters, vol. 91, pp. 3054–3063, 2020.
C. A. Vidales‐Basurto, Castro, R. R., Huerta, C. I., Sumy, D. F., Gaherty, J. B., and Collins, J. A., An Attenuation Study of Body Waves in the South‐Central Region of the Gulf of California, México, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol. 104, pp. 2027–2042, 2014.

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