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Journal Article
Toomey DR, Allen RM, Barclay AH, Bell SW, Bromirski PD, Carlson RL, Chen X, Collins JA, Dziak RP, Evers B et al..  2014.  THE CASCADIA INITIATIVE: A Sea Change In Seismological Studies of Subduction Zones. Oceanography. 27:138–150.
Eilon ZC, Forsyth DW.  2020.  Depth-Dependent Azimuthal Anisotropy Beneath the Juan de Fuca Plate System. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 125:e2020JB019477.
Takeo A, Forsyth DW, Weeraratne DS, Nishida K.  2014.  Estimation of azimuthal anisotropy in the NW Pacific from seismic ambient noise in seafloor records. Geophysical Journal International. 199:11–22.
Ruan Y, Forsyth DW, Bell SW.  2014.  Marine sediment shear velocity structure from the ratio of displacement to pressure of Rayleigh waves at seafloor. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 119:6357–6371.
Chen K-X, Forsyth DW.  2024.  On the Origin of the Hawaiian Swell: Lithosphere and Asthenosphere Seismic Structure From Rayleigh Wave Dispersion. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 129(7):e2024JB029407.
Eilon ZC, Gaherty JB, Zhang L, Russell J, McPeak S, Phillips J, Forsyth DW, Ekström G.  2021.  The Pacific OBS Research into Convecting Asthenosphere (ORCA) Experiment. Seismological Research Letters. 93:477–493.
Shintaku N, Forsyth DW, Hajewski CJ, Weeraratne DS.  2014.  Pn anisotropy in Mesozoic western Pacific lithosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 119:3050–3063.
Bell SW, Forsyth DW, Ruan Y.  2015.  Removing Noise from the Vertical Component Records of Ocean‐Bottom Seismometers: Results from Year One of the Cascadia Initiative. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 105:300–313.
Ma Z, Dalton CA, Russell JB, Gaherty JB, Hirth G, Forsyth DW.  2020.  Shear attenuation and anelastic mechanisms in the central Pacific upper mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 536:116148.
Ruan Y, Forsyth DW, Bell SW.  2018.  Shear attenuation beneath the Juan de Fuca plate: Implications for mantle flow and dehydration. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 496:189–197.
Bell SW, Ruan Y, Forsyth DW.  2015.  Shear Velocity Structure of Abyssal Plain Sediments in Cascadia. Seismological Research Letters. 86:1247–1252.
Eilon ZC, Zhang L, Gaherty JB, Forsyth DW, Russell JB.  2022.  Sub-Lithospheric Small-Scale Convection Tomographically Imaged Beneath the Pacific Plate. Geophysical Research Letters. 49:e2022GL100351.
Booth CM, Forsyth DW, Weeraratne DS.  2014.  Upper mantle Q structure beneath old seafloor in the western Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 119:3448–3461.

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