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Y. Ren, Lange, D., and Grevemeyer, I., Seismotectonics of the Blanco Transform Fault System, Northeast Pacific: Evidence for an Immature Plate Boundary, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 128, no. 3, p. e2022JB026045, 2023.
H. Fang, Sequencing Seismic Noise Correlations for Improving Surface Wave Retrieval and Characterizing Noise Sources, Seismological Research Letters, vol. 95, no. 2A, pp. 848–858, 2023.
B. P. VanderBeek and Toomey, D. R., Shallow Mantle Anisotropy Beneath the Juan de Fuca Plate, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 44, pp. 11,382–11,389, 2017.
Z. Ma, Dalton, C. A., Russell, J. B., Gaherty, J. B., Hirth, G., and Forsyth, D. W., Shear attenuation and anelastic mechanisms in the central Pacific upper mantle, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 536, p. 116148, 2020.
Y. Ruan, Forsyth, D. W., and Bell, S. W., Shear attenuation beneath the Juan de Fuca plate: Implications for mantle flow and dehydration, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 496, pp. 189–197, 2018.
N. Harmon, Wang, S., Rychert, C. A., Constable, S., and J. Kendall, M., Shear Velocity Inversion Guided by Resistivity Structure From the PI-LAB Experiment for Integrated Estimates of Partial Melt in the Mantle, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 126, no. 8, p. e2021JB022202, 2021.
S. W. Bell, Ruan, Y., and Forsyth, D. W., Shear Velocity Structure of Abyssal Plain Sediments in Cascadia, Seismological Research Letters, vol. 86, pp. 1247–1252, 2015.
J. A. Collins, Wolfe, C. J., and Laske, G., Shear wave splitting at the Hawaiian hot spot from the PLUME land and ocean bottom seismometer deployments, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 13, 2012.
N. Irabor Adimah, Tan, Y. Joe, and Russell, J. Berryman, Shear-wave velocity structure of the Blanco oceanic transform fault zone, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 239, no. 2, pp. 1287–1312, 2024.
Z. Zhang and Olugboji, T., The Signature and Elimination of Sediment Reverberations on Submarine Receiver Functions, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 126, p. e2020JB021567, 2021.
S. S. Wei, Wiens, D. A., van Keken, P. E., and Cai, C., Slab temperature controls on the Tonga double seismic zone and slab mantle dehydration, Science Advances, vol. 3, p. e1601755, 2017.
S. P. Hicks, Bie, L., Rychert, C. A., Harmon, N., Goes, S., Rietbrock, A., Wei, S. S., Collier, J. S., Henstock, T. J., Lynch, L., Prytulak, J., Macpherson, C. G., Schlaphorst, D., Wilkinson, J. J., Blundy, J. D., Cooper, G. F., Davy, R. G., Kendall, J. - M., and GROUP, V. O. I. L. A. W. O. R. K. I. N. G., Slab to back-arc to arc: Fluid and melt pathways through the mantle wedge beneath the Lesser Antilles, Science Advances, vol. 9, no. 5, p. eadd2143, 2023.
L. M. Wallace, Webb, S. C., Ito, Y., Mochizuki, K., Hino, R., Henrys, S., Schwartz, S. Y., and Sheehan, A. F., Slow slip near the trench at the Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand, Science, vol. 352, pp. 701–704, 2016.
A. Chakravorty, Small-scale factors influence mantle flow under the seafloor, Earth Magazine, vol. November, 2016.
H. Fang and Abercrombie, R. E., SMatStack to Enhance Noisy Teleseismic Seismic Phases: Validation and Application to Resolving Depths of Oceanic Transform Earthquakes, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 24, p. e2023GC011109, 2023.
B. Sapkota, Source parameterization of earthquakes along Juan de Fuca transform boundaries, Oregon State University, 2017.
J. Neale, Harmon, N., and Srokosz, M., Source regions and reflection of infragravity waves offshore of the USA's Pacific Northwest, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, vol. 120, pp. 6474–6491, 2015.
P. Bogiatzis, Karamitrou, A., J. Neale, W., Harmon, N., Rychert, C. A., and Srokosz, M., Source Regions of Infragravity Waves Recorded at the Bottom of the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean, Using OBS of the PI-LAB Experiment, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, vol. 125, no. 6, p. e2019JC015430, 2020.
G. L. Christeson, Reece, R. S., Kardell, D. A., Estep, J. D., Fedotova, A., and Goff, J. A., South Atlantic Transect: Variations in Oceanic Crustal Structure at 31°S, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, vol. 21, 2020.
G. A. Abers, Eilon, Z., Gaherty, J. B., Jin, G., Kim, Y. H., Obrebski, M., and Dieck, C., Southeast Papuan crustal tectonics: Imaging extension and buoyancy of an active rift, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 121, pp. 951–971, 2016.
M. J. Weirathmueller, Stafford, K. M., Wilcock, W. S. D., Hilmo, R. S., Dziak, R. P., and Tréhu, A. M., Spatial and temporal trends in fin whale vocalizations recorded in the NE Pacific Ocean between 2003-2013, PLOS ONE, vol. 12, p. e0186127, 2017.
P. A. Moyer, Boettcher, M. S., McGuire, J. J., and Collins, J. A., Spatial and Temporal Variations in Earthquake Stress Drop on Gofar Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise: Implications for Fault Strength, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 123, pp. 7722–7740, 2018.
S. Stanley, Streamlining Rapid Tsunami Forecasting, Eos, vol. 97, 2016.
J. R. Williams, Hawthorne, J. C., Rost, S., and Wright, T. J., Stress Drops on the Blanco Oceanic Transform Fault from Interstation Phase Coherence, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol. 109, pp. 929–943, 2019.
B. Boulahanis, Carbotte, S. M., Canales, J. Pablo, Han, S., and Nedimović, M. R., Structure and Evolution of Northern Juan de Fuca Crust and Uppermost Mantle Over the Last 8 Ma From an Active-Source Seismic Tomography Study, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 127, p. e2022JB023987, 2022.


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