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Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Laske G, Markee A, Orcutt JA, Wolfe CJ, Collins JA, Solomon SC, Detrick RS, Bercovici D, Hauri EH.  2011.  Asymmetric shallow mantle structure beneath the Hawaiian Swell-evidence from Rayleigh waves recorded by the PLUME network. Geophysical Journal International. 187:1725–1742.
Dunn RA, Martinez F.  2011.  Contrasting crustal production and rapid mantle transitions beneath back-arc ridges. Nature. 469:198–202.
Wolfe CJ, Solomon SC, Laske G, Collins JA, Detrick RS, Orcutt JA, Bercovici D, Hauri EH.  2011.  Mantle P-wave velocity structure beneath the Hawaiian hotspot. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 303:267–280.
Anchieta MC, Wolfe CJ, Pavlis GL, Vernon FL, Eakins JA, Solomon SC, Laske G, Collins JA.  2011.  Seismicity around the Hawaiian Islands Recorded by the PLUME Seismometer Networks: Insight into Faulting near Maui, Molokai, and Oahu. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 101:1742–1758.
Williams MC, Tréhu AM, Braunmiller J.  2011.  Seismicity at the Cascadia Plate Boundary beneath the Oregon Continental Shelf. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 101:940–950.
Van Avendonk H.JA, Holbrook W.S, Lizarralde D., Denyer P..  2011.  Structure and serpentinization of the subducting Cocos plate offshore Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 12
Yao H, Gouédard P, Collins JA, McGuire JJ, van der Hilst RD.  2011.  Structure of young East Pacific Rise lithosphere from ambient noise correlation analysis of fundamental- and higher-mode Scholte-Rayleigh waves. Nouveaux développements de l’imagerie et du suivi temporel à partir du bruit sismique. 343:571–583.


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