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Bell SW, Forsyth DW, Ruan Y.  2015.  Removing Noise from the Vertical Component Records of Ocean‐Bottom Seismometers: Results from Year One of the Cascadia Initiative. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 105:300–313.
Bodmer M, Toomey DR, Hooft EE, Nábělek J, Braunmiller J.  2015.  Seismic anisotropy beneath the Juan de Fuca plate system: Evidence for heterogeneous mantle flow. Geology. :G37181.1.
Menke W, Zha Y, Webb SC, Blackman DK.  2015.  Seismic anisotropy indicates ridge‐parallel asthenospheric flow beneath the Eastern Lau Spreading Center. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 120:976–992.
Cheng C, Allen RM, Porritt RW, Ballmer MD.  2015.  Seismic Constraints on a Double-Layered Asymmetric Whole-Mantle Plume Beneath Hawai‘i. :19–34.
S. Wei S, Wiens DA, Zha Y, Plank T, Webb SC, Blackman DK, Dunn RA, Conder JA.  2015.  Seismic evidence of effects of water on melt transport in the Lau back-arc mantle. Nature. 518:395–398.
Trehu A.M, Braunmiller J., Davis E..  2015.  Seismicity of the Central Cascadia Continental Margin near 44.5 N: A Decadal View. Seismological Research Letters. 86:819–829.
Bell SW, Ruan Y, Forsyth DW.  2015.  Shear Velocity Structure of Abyssal Plain Sediments in Cascadia. Seismological Research Letters. 86:1247–1252.
Neale J, Harmon N, Srokosz M.  2015.  Source regions and reflection of infragravity waves offshore of the USA's Pacific Northwest. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 120:6474–6491.
Karalliyadda S.C, Savage M.K, Sheehan A., Collins J., Zietlow D., Shelley A..  2015.  S-wave splitting in the offshore South Island, New Zealand: Insights into plate-boundary deformation. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 16:2829–2847.
Dunn RA.  2015.  Tracking stress and hydrothermal activity along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center using seismic anisotropy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 410:105–116.
Horning G., Canales J.P, Carbotte S.M, Han S., Carton H., Nedimović M.R, van Keken P.E.  2016.  A 2-D tomographic model of the Juan de Fuca plate from accretion at axial seamount to subduction at the Cascadia margin from an active source ocean bottom seismometer survey. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 121:5859–5879.
Shillington DJ, Gaherty JB, Ebinger CJ, Scholz CA, Selway K, Nyblade AA, Bedrosian PA, Class C, Nooner SL, Pritchard ME et al..  2016.  Acquisition of a Unique Onshore/Offshore Geophysical and Geochemical Dataset in the Northern Malawi (Nyasa) Rift. Seismological Research Letters. 87:1406–1416.
J. Clair S., Holbrook W.S, Van Avendonk H.JA, Lizarralde D..  2016.  Along-strike structure of the Costa Rican convergent margin from seismic a refraction/reflection survey: Evidence for underplating beneath the inner forearc. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 17:501–520.
Ramsay J, Kohler MD, Davis PM, Wang X, Holt W, Weeraratne DS.  2016.  Anisotropy from SKS splitting across the Pacific-North America plate boundary offshore southern California. Geophysical Journal International. 207:244–258.
Johnson CW, Bürgmann R.  2016.  Delayed dynamic triggering: Local seismicity leading up to three remote M ≥ 6 aftershocks of the 11 April 2012 M8.6 Indian Ocean earthquake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 121:134–151.
Sahakian V, Kell A, Harding A, Driscoll N, Kent G.  2016.  Geophysical Evidence for a San Andreas Subparallel Transtensional Fault along the Northeastern Shore of the Salton Sea. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 106:1963–1978.
Webb SC, Nooner SL.  2016.  High-Resolution Seafloor Absolute Pressure Gauge Measurements Using a Better Counting Method. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 33:1859–1874.
Lin P-YPatty, Gaherty JB, Jin G, Collins JA, Lizarralde D, Evans R.L, Hirth G.  2016.  High-resolution seismic constraints on flow dynamics in the oceanic asthenosphere. Nature. 535:538–541.
Doran AK, Laske G.  2016.  Infragravity waves and horizontal seafloor compliance. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 121:260–278.
Harris R, Wallace L, Webb S, Ito Y, Mochizuki K, Ichihara H, Henrys S, Tréhu A, Schwartz S, Sheehan A et al..  2016.  Investigations of Shallow Slow Slip Offshore of New Zealand. Eos. 97
Wang K, Tréhu AM.  2016.  Invited review paper: Some outstanding issues in the study of great megathrust earthquakes—The Cascadia example. Journal of Geodynamics. 98:1–18.
Ball JS, Sheehan AF, Stachnik JC, Lin F-C, Yeck WL, Collins JA.  2016.  Lithospheric shear velocity structure of South Island, New Zealand, from amphibious Rayleigh wave tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 121:3686–3702.
Chen X, McGuire JJ.  2016.  Measuring earthquake source parameters in the Mendocino triple junction region using a dense OBS array: Implications for fault strength variations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 453:276–287.
Trehu A.M.  2016.  Measuring slow slip offshore. Science. 352:654–655.
Chen Z, Gerstoft P, Bromirski PD.  2016.  Microseism source direction from noise cross-correlation. Geophysical Journal International. 205:810–818.


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