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L. Krischer, Fichtner, A., Boehm, C., and Igel, H., Automated Large-Scale Full Seismic Waveform Inversion for North America and the North Atlantic, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 123, pp. 5902–5928, 2018.
M. Bodmer, Toomey, D. R., Hooft, E. E. E., and Schmandt, B., Buoyant Asthenosphere Beneath Cascadia Influences Megathrust Segmentation, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 45, pp. 6954–6962, 2018.
J. Gomberg, Cascadia Onshore-Offshore Site Response, Submarine Sediment Mobilization, and Earthquake Recurrence, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 123, pp. 1381–1404, 2018.
I. Stone, Vidale, J. E., Han, S., and Roland, E., Catalog of Offshore Seismicity in Cascadia: Insights Into the Regional Distribution of Microseismicity and its Relation to Subduction Processes, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 123, pp. 641–652, 2018.
J. Li, Shillington, D. J., Saffer, D. M., Bécel, A., Nedimović, M. R., Kuehn, H., Webb, S. C., Keranen, K. M., and Abers, G. A., Connections between subducted sediment, pore-fluid pressure, and earthquake behavior along the Alaska megathrust, Geology, vol. 46, pp. 299–302, 2018.
N. J. Accardo, Shillington, D. J., Gaherty, J. B., Scholz, C. A., Nyblade, A. A., Chindandali, P. R. N., Kamihanda, G., McCartney, T., Wood, D., and R. Ferdinand, W., Constraints on Rift Basin Structure and Border Fault Growth in the Northern Malawi Rift From 3-D Seismic Refraction Imaging, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 123, pp. 10,003–10,025, 2018.
E. K. Todd, Schwartz, S. Y., Mochizuki, K., Wallace, L. M., Sheehan, A. F., Webb, S. C., Williams, C. A., Nakai, J., Yarce, J., Fry, B., Henrys, S., and Ito, Y., Earthquakes and Tremor Linked to Seamount Subduction During Shallow Slow Slip at the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 123, pp. 6769–6783, 2018.
J. Wang, Jaiswal, P., Haines, S. S., Hart, P. E., and Wu, S., Gas hydrate quantification using full-waveform inversion of sparse ocean-bottom seismic data: A case study from Green Canyon Block 955, Gulf of Mexico, GEOPHYSICS, vol. 83, no. 4, pp. B167–B181, 2018.
J. Gong and McGuire, J. J., Interactions between strike-slip earthquakes and the subduction interface near the Mendocino Triple Junction, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 482, pp. 414–422, 2018.
G. Horning, Sohn, R. A., Canales, J. P., and Dunn, R. A., Local Seismicity of the Rainbow Massif on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 123, pp. 1615–1630, 2018.
H. Lim, Kim, Y. H., Song, T. - R. Alex, and Shen, X., Measurement of seismometer orientation using the tangential P-wave receiver function based on harmonic decomposition, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 212, pp. 1747–1765, 2018.
H. Anne Janiszewski, New Insights on the Structure of the Cascadia Subduction Zone from Amphibious Seismic Data, Columbia University, 2018.
E. A. Morton, Bilek, S. L., and Rowe, C. A., Newly detected earthquakes in the Cascadia subduction zone linked to seamount subduction and deformed upper plate, Geology, vol. 46, pp. 943–946, 2018.
S. S. Wei and Wiens, D. A., P-wave attenuation structure of the Lau back-arc basin and implications for mantle wedge processes, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 502, pp. 187–199, 2018.
M. R. Agius, Harmon, N., Rychert, C. A., Tharimena, S., and Kendall, J. - M., Sediment Characterization at the Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge From P-to-S Teleseismic Phase Conversions Recorded on the PI-LAB Experiment, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 45, no. 22, pp. 12,244–12,252, 2018.
Y. Ruan, Forsyth, D. W., and Bell, S. W., Shear attenuation beneath the Juan de Fuca plate: Implications for mantle flow and dehydration, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 496, pp. 189–197, 2018.
P. A. Moyer, Boettcher, M. S., McGuire, J. J., and Collins, J. A., Spatial and Temporal Variations in Earthquake Stress Drop on Gofar Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise: Implications for Fault Strength, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 123, pp. 7722–7740, 2018.
D. W. Zietlow, Sheehan, A. F., and Bernardino, M. V., Teleseismic S-wave tomography of South Island, New Zealand upper mantle, Geosphere, vol. 14, pp. 1343–1364, 2018.
E. Kim, Toomey, D. R., Hooft, E. E. E., Wilcock, W. S. D., Weekly, R. T., Lee, S. ‐M., and Kim, Y. Hee, Upper crustal Vp / Vs ratios at the Endeavour segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge, from joint inversion of P and S travel times: Implications for hydrothermal circulation, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, p. 2018GC007921, 2018.
E. Kim, Toomey, D. R., Hooft, E. E. E., Wilcock, W. S. D., Weekly, R. T., Lee, S. ‐M., and Kim, Y. Hee, Upper crustal Vp / Vs ratios at the Endeavour segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge, from joint inversion of P and S travel times: Implications for hydrothermal circulation, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, p. 2018GC007921, 2018.
C. Cai, Wiens, D. A., Shen, W., and Eimer, M., Water input into the Mariana subduction zone estimated from ocean-bottom seismic data, Nature, vol. 563, pp. 389–392, 2018.


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