Pile driving repeatedly impacts the giant scallop (Placopecten magellanicus)

TitlePile driving repeatedly impacts the giant scallop (Placopecten magellanicus)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsJézéquel, Y, Cones, S, Jensen, FH, Brewer, H, Collins, J, T. Mooney, A
JournalScientific Reports
Date Published09/2022
KeywordsBehavioural ecology, Climate-change ecology, Ecology

Large-scale offshore wind farms are a critical component of the worldwide climate strategy. However, their developments have been opposed by the fishing industry because of concerns regarding the impacts of pile driving vibrations during constructions on commercially important marine invertebrates, including bivalves. Using field-based daily exposure, we showed that pile driving induced repeated valve closures in different scallop life stages, with particularly stronger effects for juveniles. Scallops showed no acclimatization to repetitive pile driving across and within days, yet quickly returned to their initial behavioral baselines after vibration-cessation. While vibration sensitivity was consistent, daily pile driving did not disrupt scallop circadian rhythm, but suggests serious impacts at night when valve openings are greater. Overall, our results show distance and temporal patterns can support future mitigation strategies but also highlight concerns regarding the larger impact ranges of impending widespread offshore wind farm constructions on scallop populations.


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