A Reciprocity-Based Efficient Method for Improved Source Parameter Estimation of Submarine Earthquakes With Hybrid 3-D Teleseismic Green's Functions

TitleA Reciprocity-Based Efficient Method for Improved Source Parameter Estimation of Submarine Earthquakes With Hybrid 3-D Teleseismic Green's Functions
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsZang C, Wu W, Ni S, Xu M
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
Date Published05/2024
Keywords14 Life Below Water, 3-D teleseismic Green's function, Blanco transform fault, improved source parameters, moderate-sized submarine earthquakes, reciprocity, SEM-DSM method

Accurate source parameters of global submarine earthquakes are essential for understanding earthquake mechanics and tectonic dynamics. Previous studies have demonstrated that teleseismic P coda waveform complexities due to near-source 3-D structures are highly sensitive to source parameters of marine earthquakes. Leveraging these sensitivities, we can improve the accuracy of source parameter inversion compared to traditional 1-D methods. However, modeling these intricate 3-D effects poses significant computational challenges. To address this issue, we propose a novel reciprocity-based hybrid method for computing 3-D teleseismic Green's functions. Based on this method, we develop a grid-search inversion workflow for determining reliable source parameters of moderate-sized submarine earthquakes. The method is tested and proven on five Mw5+ earthquakes at the Blanco oceanic transform fault (OTF) with ground truth locations resolved by a local ocean bottom seismometer array, using ambient noise correlation and surface-wave relocation techniques. Our results show that fitting P coda waveforms through 3-D Green's functions can effectively improve the source location accuracy, especially for the centroid depth. Our improved centroid depths indicate that all the five Mw5+ earthquakes on the Blanco transform fault ruptured mainly above the depth of 600°C isotherm predicted by the half-space cooling model. This finding aligns with the hypothesis that the rupture zone of large earthquakes at OTFs is confined by the 600°C isotherm. However, it is noted that the Blanco transform fault serves as a case study. Our 3-D source inversion method offers a promising tool for systematically investigating global oceanic earthquakes using teleseismic waves.


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