Title | SMatStack to Enhance Noisy Teleseismic Seismic Phases: Validation and Application to Resolving Depths of Oceanic Transform Earthquakes |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2023 |
Authors | Fang H, Abercrombie RE |
Journal | Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems |
Volume | 24 |
Pagination | e2023GC011109 |
Date Published | 10/2023 |
ISSN | 1525-2027 |
Keywords | array analysis, earthquake depths, oceanic transform faults, seismogenic zone |
Abstract | The depths of most moderate-sized oceanic earthquakes are poorly constrained because of the lack of local recording stations and noisy teleseismic recordings. This hampers our understanding of slip behaviors along oceanic faults and the mechanical properties of the oceanic lithosphere. In this study, we develop a new method to enhance the weak body-wave signals, particularly the depth phases, associated with earthquakes on oceanic transform faults using large-aperture arrays in the teleseismic range. We simulate the enhanced teleseismic signals to refine the centroid depths of moderate-sized earthquakes. We validate the new approach using synthetic waveforms and show it outperforms conventional methods when dealing with noisy signals. We obtain the depth estimates for three moderate-sized earthquakes on the Chain transform fault in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean and find two of them are consistent with a local catalog derived using oceanic bottom seismometers. Application of the new method to the past decades of teleseismic recordings of moderate-sized earthquakes on the large and slow-slipping transform faults will provide significantly improved constraints on the width of the seismogenic zone, thus advancing our understanding of the rheology of oceanic lithosphere and earthquake processes in oceanic settings and, by comparison, their more dangerous continental counterparts. The new method is not limited to oceanic transform earthquakes, but can be easily adapted to other seismological studies in which noisy but coherent signals could be revisited for better usage. |
URL | https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2023GC011109 |
DOI | 10.1029/2023GC011109 |