Title | Tilt Corrections for Normal Mode Observations on Ocean Bottom Seismic Data, an example from the PI-LAB experiment |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2022 |
Authors | Harmon N, Laske G, Crawford W, Rychert C |
Journal | Seismica |
Volume | 1 |
Issue | 1 |
Date Published | 11/2022 |
ISSN | 2816-9387 |
Keywords | marine geophysics, normal modes, ocean bottom seismometer |
Abstract | Earth's normal modes are fundamental observations used in global seismic tomography to understand Earth structure. Land seismic station coverage is sufficient to constrain the broadest scale Earth structures. However, 70% of Earth's surface is covered by the oceans, hampering our ability to observe variations in local mode frequencies that contribute to imaging small-scale structures. Broadband ocean bottom seismometers can record spheroidal modes to fill in gaps in global data coverage. Ocean bottom recordings are contaminated by signals from complex interactions between ocean and solid Earth dynamics at normal mode frequencies. We present a method for correcting tilt on broadband ocean bottom seismometers by rotation. The correction improves the ability of some instruments to observe spheroidal modes down to 0S4. We demonstrate this method using 15 broadband ocean bottom seismometers from the PI-LAB array. We measure normal mode peak frequency shifts and compare with 1-D reference mode frequencies and predictions from 3-D global models. Our measurements agree with the 3-D models for modes between 0S14 - 0S37 with small but significant differences. These differences likely reflect real Earth structure. This suggests incorporating ocean bottom normal mode measurements into global inversions will improve models of global seismic velocity structure. |
URL | https://seismica.library.mcgill.ca/article/view/196 |
DOI | 10.26443/seismica.v1i1.196 |