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Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
S. C. Webb and Barclay, A. H., Optimizing Ocean Bottom Seismometers for Shallow Water Using Shielding and Horizontal Pressure Gradient Data, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 128, p. e2023JB026356, 2023.
M. Wu, Wang, H., Zhang, S., and Ritzwoller, M. H., Plate Age and Uppermost Mantle Structure Across the Juan de Fuca and Gorda Plates, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 128, p. e2023JB026494, 2023.
J. Farrell, Koper, K. D., and Sohn, R. A., The Relationship Between Wind, Waves, Bathymetry, and Microseisms in Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 128, p. e2022JB025943, 2023.
Y. Dai, Rycherrt, C. A., and Harmon, N., Seismic imaging beneath Cascadia shows shallow mantle flow patterns guide lower mantle upwellings, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, p. e2023JB026374, 2023.
B. G. MacGregor, Dunn, R. A., Watts, A. B., Xu, C., and Shillington, D. J., A Seismic Tomography, Gravity, and Flexure Study of the Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of the Hawaiian Ridge: 1, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 128, p. e2023JB027218, 2023.
K. Leptokaropoulos, Rychert, C. A., Harmon, N., and Kendall, J. M., Seismicity Properties of the Chain Transform Fault Inferred Using Data From the PI-LAB Experiment, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 128, p. e2022JB024804, 2023.
Y. Ren, Lange, D., and Grevemeyer, I., Seismotectonics of the Blanco Transform Fault System, Northeast Pacific: Evidence for an Immature Plate Boundary, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 128, no. 3, p. e2022JB026045, 2023.
S. P. Hicks, Bie, L., Rychert, C. A., Harmon, N., Goes, S., Rietbrock, A., Wei, S. S., Collier, J. S., Henstock, T. J., Lynch, L., Prytulak, J., Macpherson, C. G., Schlaphorst, D., Wilkinson, J. J., Blundy, J. D., Cooper, G. F., Davy, R. G., Kendall, J. - M., and GROUP, V. O. I. L. A. W. O. R. K. I. N. G., Slab to back-arc to arc: Fluid and melt pathways through the mantle wedge beneath the Lesser Antilles, Science Advances, vol. 9, no. 5, p. eadd2143, 2023.
H. Fang and Abercrombie, R. E., SMatStack to Enhance Noisy Teleseismic Seismic Phases: Validation and Application to Resolving Depths of Oceanic Transform Earthquakes, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 24, p. e2023GC011109, 2023.
J. Yarce, Sheehan, A. F., and Roecker, S., Temporal Relationship of Slow Slip Events and Microearthquake Seismicity: Insights From Earthquake Automatic Detections in the Northern Hikurangi Margin, Aotearoa New Zealand, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 24, no. 3, p. e2022GC010537, 2023.
M. Paulatto, Hooft, E. E. E., Chrapkiewicz, K., Heath, B., Toomey, D. R., and Morgan, J. V., Advances in seismic imaging of magma and crystal mush, Frontiers in Earth Science, vol. 10, 2022.
H. A. Janiszewski, Eilon, Z., Russell, J. B., Brunsvik, B., Gaherty, J. B., Mosher, S. G., Hawley, W. B., and Coats, S., Broad-band ocean bottom seismometer noise properties, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 233, pp. 297–315, 2022.
Y. Iwasaki, Mochizuki, K., Ishise, M., Todd, E. K., Schwartz, S. Y., Zal, H., Savage, M. K., Henrys, S., Sheehan, A. F., Ito, Y., Wallace, L. M., Webb, S. C., Yamada, T., and Shinohara, M., Continuous Tremor Activity With Stable Polarization Direction Following the 2014 Large Slow Slip Event in the Hikurangi Subduction Margin Offshore New Zealand, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 127, p. e2021JB022161, 2022.
R. A. Dunn, A Dual-Level Magmatic System Beneath the East Pacific Rise, 9°N, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 49, p. e2022GL097732, 2022.
N. A. Ruppert, Barcheck, G., and Abers, G. A., Enhanced Regional Earthquake Catalog with Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment Data, Seismological Research Letters, vol. 94, pp. 522–530, 2022.
T. Acquisto, Bécel, A., Singh, S. C., and Carton, H., Evidence of Strong Upper Oceanic Crustal Hydration Outboard the Alaskan and Sumatran Subduction Zones, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 127, p. e2022JB024751, 2022.
X. Z. Wei, Shen, Y., Caplan-Auerbach, J., and Morgan, J. K., An Improved Earthquake Catalog During the 2018 Kı̄lauea Eruption From Combined Onshore and Offshore Seismic Arrays, Earth and Space Science, vol. 9, no. 6, p. e2021EA001979, 2022.
C. James Will Carchedi, Gaherty, J. B., Webb, S. C., and Shillington, D. J., Investigating Short‐Period Lake‐Generated Microseisms Using a Broadband Array of Onshore and Lake‐Bottom Seismometers, Seismological Research Letters, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 1585–1600, 2022.
K. Chrapkiewicz, Paulatto, M., Heath, B. A., Hooft, E. E. E., Nomikou, P., Papazachos, C. B., Schmid, F., Toomey, D. R., Warner, M. R., and Morgan, J. V., Magma Chamber Detected Beneath an Arc Volcano With Full-Waveform Inversion of Active-Source Seismic Data, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 23, p. e2022GC010475, 2022.
J. Gong, Fan, W., and Parnell-Turner, R., Microseismicity Indicates Atypical Small-Scale Plate Rotation at the Quebrada Transform Fault System, East Pacific Rise, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, vol. 49, 2022.
M. C. Schmidt-Aursch, Almendros, J., Geissler, W., and Wilcock, W., Noise characteristics of ocean-bottom seismometer data in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica, in EPIC348. Sitzung der AG Seismologie, Münster, 2022-09-26-2022-09-29, Münster, 2022.
J. B. Russell and Dalton, C. A., Rayleigh Wave Attenuation and Amplification Measured at Ocean-Bottom Seismometer Arrays using Helmholtz Tomography, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. n/a, p. e2022JB025174, 2022.
B. Manh Le, Yang, T., and Morgan, J. P., Seismic Constraints on Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structure Beneath the Hawaiian Swell: Implications for Plume-Lithosphere Interactions, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 127, p. e2021JB023822, 2022.
G. L. Christeson, Gulick, S. P. S., Walton, M. A. L., and Barth, G. A., Seismic evidence for magmatic underplating along the Kodiak-Bowie Seamount Chain, Gulf of Alaska, Tectonophysics, vol. 845, p. 229639, 2022.
C. Xu, Dunn, R. A., Watts, A. B., Shillington, D. J., Grevemeyer, I., L. de la Peña, G., and Boston, B. B., A Seismic Tomography, Gravity, and Flexure Study of the Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of the Emperor Seamounts at Jimmu Guyot, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 127, p. e2021JB023241, 2022.


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